Performance Management System
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Performance Management System

Best Practices has developed an integrated system for linking and measuring strategic and individual performance, based on international practices and in line with government directions and international practices, concerning aspects of managing and evaluating institutional and functional performance.

What is a Performance Management System ?

An integrated system that works to achieve the objective link between individual and strategic performance in a specialized professional manner; ensuring proper classification and dropping of goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) at all functional levels. Following up on their achievement rates, measuring the level of their submission, and linking them to the relative importance, strategic, and institutional impact of each organizational unit and each employee.

What are the unique features of the system?

The system has the following main characteristics:

  • Designed to build and formulate all components of strategic and operational plans.
  • It allows projecting the strategic objectives at the levels of sectors, departments, and sections down to the employees.
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  • It enables the determination of the relative weights of all strategic objectives, initiatives, operations, and services.
  • Allows determining the relative weight of the importance and contribution of each sector/department/organizational unit of the overall plan
  • Annual strategic and operational plans.
  • Allows measurement and planning according to the requirements of the balanced scorecards.
  • It allows the building and measuring of operational plans at the departmental level.
  • Allows building executive plans at the level of departmental staff.
  • It allows operations and services to be included in operational plans and projected at various organizational levels.
  • Defines documents and evidence for the requirements of the institutional performance audit, according to specific performance indicators.
  • Issues and reviews reports on strategic objectives, performance results for each organizational unit, and planned and actual financial budgets in the form of general reports and a dashboard manner.
  • Specifies the technical authority of an Access Scope for each organizational unit and employee.
  • Allows the possibility to formulate individual performance plans.
  • Allows identification of functional competencies and proficiency level.
  • It allows the ability to determine the performance ratios directed according to the approved normal distribution curve values and allows the automatic reset and balancing of the modified performance ratios according to the actual performance results for each organizational unit.
  • Allows the ability to develop and follow up on individual IDP plans for each employee and transfer them to the training unit to build training and development plans.
  • Shows Traffic Lights performance results (grey, green, orange, red).
The main functions of the system

Strategic Performance Management

planning, reviewing, and evaluating strategic and operational performance.

Performance Appraisal (Individual Performance)

planning, reviewing, and evaluating employee’s performance.

System technical and operational contents
The system technically consists of the following components


Where you can implement all the needed data, the setup consists of The Foundation, Sections, Positions/job titles, Employees, and Job Competencies.

The Performance Planning

Where the strategic goals and key indicators will be implemented for the organization, and each initiative and process will be related to each strategic goal. And It consists of two main sections: Strategic planning and Planning for performance appraisal (Individual).

The Performance Review and Evaluation

Where the relationship between the employees will be clarified and it includes both sides of objective planning and job competency planning, including the individual objectives and their relationship to the initiatives of the organization. And It consists of two Review and evaluation sections: The strategic and operational performance and The Individual Performance Appraisal.

learning and development plan (IDP)

Where a learning and development plan is prepared for each employee in the planning, review and evaluation stages that includes the main areas of development and is automatically sent to the Training Department to rely on in preparing the training needs study and approving the annual training and development plans.


Within the list of settings and their sub-elements and following the privacy of the work and policies of each institution. All the main data that will be employed in the evaluation activities of the system is entered, and the data can be imported and read from any electronic systems used in the institutions or from statements prepared for this purpose.

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The settings consist of the following elements:

  1. The Foundation.
  2. Sections.
  3. Positions / job titles.
  4. Employees.
  5. Job Competencies.
The Performance Planning

2/1 Strategic planning:

It consists of:


1. Planning strategic goals:
 Where the strategic goals, key indicators and the organization’s relative weights are listed and can be classified according to the balanced scorecard (BSC) both at the level of goals or at the level of key performance indicators (KPIs).
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2. Operational planning (initiatives, operations / services):

Where all the initiatives and processes / services related to each strategic goal and every organizational unit approved in the structure are included and include details of the initiatives, their indicators, measurement periods … etc.


3. Project Planner:

It clarifies the relationship between objectives, projects, organizational units, relative weights and estimated budgets.


2/2 Planning for performance appraisal (Individual):

It includes:


1. Career Structure:

Within each organizational unit, which clarifies the relationship between the employee, the direct superiors (Line Manager) and the reviewed managers.


2. Individual performance plan:

It includes both sides of objective planning and job competency planning, including the individual objectives and its relationship to the initiatives of the organizational unit in which the employee works and the job tasks of his job.
The Performance Review and Evaluation

3/1 Review and evaluation of strategic and operational performance:

Where the performance indicators for each initiative and process / service are reviewed in every quarter of the year according to the measurement requirements approved for each operational initiative and the cumulative measurement at the end of the year to match the actual performance with the specified targets.

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It includes the results of the strategic and operational performance of the organization as a whole and each strategic goal and of each organizational unit and its impact on the overall strategic performance of the institution.


3/2 Review and evaluate Individual Performance Appraisal:

Where the performance plan (Objectives / competencies) for each employee is reviewed in every quarter of the year / or half a year (according to the accredited institution) according to a guide to the authorities that is consistent with the institution’s human resources policies and the government’s performance management system and the time periods for measurement, review, and evaluation. Automatic performance of job results is enhanced with evidence and relevant evidence.

learning and development plan (IDP)
Where a learning and development plan is prepared for each employee in the planning, review and evaluation stages that includes the main areas of development and is automatically sent to the Training Department to rely on in preparing the training needs study and approving the annual training and development plans.
System Language
Performance Management System is a multi-language system as it provides Arabic language and English language.

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